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Facebook Community Guidelines















Click ( Kyla Mesias ),   Fenway ( Brett Broussard ),   Nimbus ( Katie Weber ),   Ping ( Daniel Pautsch )
Sniper ( Muzafr Ayyub ) ,   Sonar ( Riley Michelle Carbaugh ),   Torch ( Jeff Costa ),   Voodoo ( Michelle Green )




[GROUP INFORMATION: Code of Conduct]

Last Updated: January 22, 2018


By becoming a member, you agree to respect and adhere to the following guidelines when interacting with our community:


1. All posts must be related to Dutch Angel Dragons, as in the SPECIFIC kind of dragon species and lore created by Ino89777 (Deanna of Skypro Fursuits, and her character Telephone).


2. Please be respectful, mature, and cooperative towards members & admins when publicly posting.


3. Credit is required on all artwork!!! Art stealing/heavily referencing, unauthorized editing/tracing, & character theft is absolutely not tolerated; one warning then a permanent ban for theft issues.


4. Submissions that are asking for free artwork of any kind will not be approved (a separate group has been created for this). However offering free artwork is allowed.


5. Posts serving to create or fuel drama and rumors will not be tolerated; posts attempting to use Dutch Angel Dragons to instill guilt in others, promote negativity, or invoke sympathy/pity for personal matters may be denied.


6. Not only is this an all-ages group (13+ Facebook policy) but adult/sexual themes are absolutely prohibited in all matters regarding this species, including outside the group. This is a permanent ban from the community and use of the species at large.


7. You must review the species and design guidelines on our website before creating a Dutch Angel Dragon character.


8. Review the commission/auction/sales guidelines on our website before posting anything for profit or trade. Auctions are also not permitted on Facebook and must be hosted elsewhere.


9. When creating a new post please be patient; every submission is personally inspected by an admin for approval and you will be contacted and given a change to amend it if necessary.


10. We politely request to refrain from mini-modding, white-knighting, or speaking on the community’s behalf. Get an admin involved if there is an issue or question.





So what exactly do these guideline mean or how can you make sure you understand them thoroughly so as to properly contribute to the community? We're glad you asked! Below are all the specific details, examples, and instructions for various post topics to help clarify:




The Official Dutch Angel Dragon Community Full Code of Conduct:



1. All posts must be related to Dutch Angel Dragons, as in the SPECIFIC kind of dragon species and lore created by Ino89777 (Deanna of Skypro Fursuits). This is the official species her original character "Telephone" belongs to. They can be referred to as: dragons, Dutch/Dutchies, DutchADs, or DADs.


Generic/various types of angelic/angel dragons (ADs), any other kind of dragons, or any other species posts in general will not be accepted in order to remain on-topic with what the community is established for and what our members wish to see and discuss. *This includes comments and links*. The exception however is sharing examples of artwork when advertising commissions, however we strongly recommend at least one picture is an example of a DutchAD in your style and all examples must follow our other guidelines. Alternatively, if you're unsure of the differences between a Dutch and any other kind of "angel dragon", please review the images and information on our website or pinned post.



YCH (Your Character Here) posts can also be shared to the group, and we will likely accept posts intended for "any species" or "any dragon species" (reptilian/winged/etc.) within reason but it is not guaranteed and we reserve the right to deny any posts we feel may be inappropriate for our community. We always prefer listings meant for Dutch Angle Dragons specifically/only.


However we will >>NOT<< accept any YCHs that indicate they will work for "(any/all) angel dragons" or "both angel dragons and Dutch Angel Dragons". This is only asked because these statements contribute to misleading many to assume all kinds of angel dragons are the same thing, that they look the same and can be made from the same base, are part of the same community, or they they are considered to all be the same species/sub-species of each other... when in fact they are all extraordinarily different kinds of creatures with unique kinds of anatomy and completely different concepts/lore/communities. We feel that an artist drawing a Dutch Angel Dragon in their own style should be distinguishable from any other kinds of angel dragons they might also draw because they all do have specific anatomy and features, therefore presenting a generic/universal format for "all angel dragons" in YCHs does not clearly indicate an understanding of these differences that are so important to the community.


Therefore any posts that mention they are for both ADs and DADs will not be accepted, even if you would intend to draw each kind to look visibly different (which we would also *greatly* appreciate as well). But we simply ask that if you want to post a YCH, even those intended for use of "any kind of angel dragon", we will allow these in the group as long as the wording is adjusted to indicate it is for Dutch Angel Dragons specifically/only. It is also recommend to adjust the base for Dutch-specific traits as needed so as to make it clear you understand the differences in species. Doing one or either of these adjustments is simply a good-faith gesture that will demonstrate your intentions of drawing Dutch Angel Dragons with regards to the species-specific anatomy in your style and not treating all angel dragons the same. All of the angel dragon communities greatly appreciate the extra attention to detail!



If you wish to discuss any unrelated or personal topics, take it to private messaging or elsewhere please! This is an English-speaking page as well, please take discussions in other languages to PM. Alternatively, we also have a Spanish/Latin American-based group and European-based group where other languages are welcome (listed in the pinned post)!


We also have a secondary group for all "awareness-themed" dragons and would like to ask that all related posts on the subject to be made to that group instead (listed in the pinned post). An awareness dragon is one that is designed or themed to raise awareness to a social issue or cause. For example, a breast cancer-themed dragon might be pink, know someone who fought the disease, and have a name related to that theme like "Hope". We permit you to create and share your awareness dragons, but out of respect and at the request from our members, we wish to help give the choice to those who do not wish to be involved or exposed to controversial or difficult topics the ability to better filter their content, (because Facebook does not provide integrated tools in which to tag and filter things like trigger warnings), while also supporting those who wish to celebrate and bring awareness to different causes a way to continue sharing with the community. Thank you so much for all for your continued respect and understanding of this very sensitive issue!






2. Please be respectful, mature, and cooperative towards members & admins when publicly posting.


Remember that everyone comes from different backgrounds and has a right to their opinion; be considerate of others! We promote a family-friendly atmosphere and have a large demographic of younger members; if you should not say something inside a secondary-school classroom, it is recommended that you do not say it here. Disagreements may happen but there is always a polite way to express your thoughts. If a conversation is getting out of hand we may: ask an individual or a discussion topic to cease, lock the thread, or just remove the post entirely. We may also follow up through PM to resolve any lingering issues; we work hard to maintain a drama-free and healthy environment.






3. Credit is required on all artwork!!! Art stealing/heavily referencing, unauthorized editing/tracing, & character theft is absolutely not tolerated; one warning then a permanent ban for theft issues.


There are thousands of dragon characters now and many can look similar to one another, but no one "owns" a design, theme, color, or marking. Our rule of thumb is your dragon must be different enough to not easily or accidentally be confused for a similar one. Accidents happen and unintentional similarities occur, so please be open to the idea of flexibility to ensure your design can be altered to be recognized as its own character and not be confused with one that came before it. Try to ensure there is are several, easily recognizable details that undeniably identify your character as unique from any similar ones.


When utilizing free lineart, or if you have a valid “permission of use” for artwork that is not entirely created by you alone, it must be stated as such and also include name credit and/or a link to the original artist! Please include any required watermarks/credit on the image as dictated by the artist. Know the difference between copying, referencing, reposting, and tracing and what kind of art is acceptable to share and when it is considered a form of theft that will get you in trouble. We take art theft VERY seriously. Please ask if you are unsure and refer to the art theft guide and the bannings/warnings guide found in the pinned post!






4. Submissions that are asking for free artwork of any kind will not be approved (a separate group has been created for this). However offering free artwork is allowed.


If an artist decides to offer free artwork, direct replies to these topics are the only acceptable place to request free art from people. Artists MUST include examples of their work in their post and at least one example is strongly recommended to be of a DutchAD. You may offer to draw characters for others or create pre-made designs for adoption using bases or free lineart, as long as proper credit is given and you follow the guidelines put into place by the artist. More information about adoptions and using lineart is given below. Begging, guilt-tripping, or harassing others to obtain artwork is completely inappropriate and will result in a warning.






5. Posts serving to create or fuel drama and rumors will not be tolerated; posts attempting to use Dutch Angel Dragons to instill guilt in others, promote negativity, or invoke sympathy/pity for personal matters may be denied.


Aim to stay on topic, take issues to PM or an admin when difficulties arise, and strive to be an understanding, thoughtful member of our community and family. We recommend getting a member of the admin team involved privately to keep your report anonymous but you may also tag an admin publicly in the problem post. You can also hit the report post button to draw our attention to it. If you are contributing to a topic that is causing issues you may receive a warning depending on your involvement and the severity of the situation. Your best course of action is to pre-determine if your message could potentially create drama or cause an issue to escalate, and it may be better to adjust your wording to be more courteous or not say anything at all. Alternatively, please contact an admin for help and to discuss your frustrations or concerns more freely and to bringing important issues or input on the situation to our attention! Keep in mind you can still receive warnings and bans from the group for inappropriate behavior in PMs towards another member or admin; it is always a good idea to be on your best behavior when representing yourself online.






6. Not only is this an all-ages group (13+ Facebook policy) but adult/sexual themes are absolutely prohibited in all matters regarding this species, including outside the group. This is a permanent ban from the community and use of the species at large.


For clarification, all Dutch Angel Dragons have no concept of gender, have no reproductive organs, and are physically and mentally nonsexual and should never be depicted with genitalia or performing sexual acts under any circumstances. Characters are automatically no longer recognized as a member of species by Ino and the community, no matter what the creator or artist says, it is not a Dutch Angel Dragon if they are given genitalia and/or depicted in sexual acts. Violation of this guideline means you and your character will be dismissed from the community both on and offline and are not authorized by Ino to use the name of her species for your character immediately and permanently. We invite you to report any instances where you have observed inappropriate depictions of DutchADs to the admin team. More information about consequences or information related to this topic can be found in the pinned post under "warning and bans" and more information about the species and how they reproduce can be found on our website.






7. You must review the species and design guidelines on our website before creating a Dutch Angel Dragon character.


Full details for doing so are found on:






8. Review the commission/auction/sales guidelines on our website before posting anything for profit or trade. Auctions are also not permitted on Facebook and must be hosted elsewhere.


Full details for doing so are found on:






9. When creating a new post please be patient; every submission is personally inspected by an admin for approval and you will be contacted and given a change to amend it if necessary.


Expect delays and understand that several admins may need the chance to review your post for discussion or validation, while other posts may still be let through in the meantime. Submitting it more than once is unnecessary and may be treated as spam. Using the word "Dutch" (including "DutchAD", "DAD", and "Dutchie/Dutchy") to describe your dragon also helps us approve your post faster so we don't need to double check if your intent is for the character to belong to our species or not, especially if any elements seem questionable in accordance to our character guidelines. We can't possibly remember every dragon character, design, or person that posts here and do occasionally make mistakes in approving posts that violate our own rules. You are always welcome to bring a problem post to our attention by reporting it! There is a "report post" button or contact an admin in PM.






10. We politely request to refrain from mini-modding, white-knighting, or speaking on the community’s behalf.


Mini-modding is defined as taking action against a member as if one was pretending to be an admin or doing an admin's duty on their behalf, including enforcing/reminding about the guidelines. This is to prevent the spread of misinformation and false representation. An admin’s role is to assist in internal affairs as fairly and respectfully as possible to maintain a helpful, positive community. Your individual actions (or lack thereof) can affect this ideal greatly!


When educating others about our species we also encourage you to share our website as opposed to paraphrasing the information yourself, in the case that info changes or becomes outdated in the future, to ensure the info is always current. We also highly recommend verifying that an individual is actually interested in familiarizing themselves with Dutch Angel Dragons instead of assuming they do not know/understand; they simply may not care to learn about our species and its regulations and could react negatively on accusations of not following the guidelines. Many people choose to have characters that may look similar, or might even be labeled as an "angel dragon", but wish to not be associated with this community or species whatsoever, and that MUST be respected. Harassment from our members, even if done outside of the group, may result in consequences for participating in our community. Contact an admin if there is an issue you think we should look into that involves misconduct from members inside our group.







Failure to follow the code of conduct within our community will put you at risk for warnings, suspensions, and in severe cases even banishment. Full information about warnings and bans are provided in a link on the pinned post. It is our duty to uphold this code and respond to instances that break them in the most appropriate way possible. We will always strive to be communicative with you during any misunderstandings or conflicts as well as offer suggestions on what to avoid or improve should an issue arise.


We have been appointed by Telephone herself as trusted, dedicated volunteers to help monitor and assist the community on her behalf. Though your intentions may be good, please do not ask to become an admin; Telephone and the Archangels will approach you personally if we unanimously agree you would be the best candidate and find we need the extra help.


All admins are available to help respond to your questions. Click, Nimbus, and Voodoo are the most active on Facebook, though we also have a contact form on the website and a Twitter account you can use. You must keep us unblocked in order for us to communicate directly with you and carry out our roles as admins. You may receive temporary suspension if we cannot contact you through PM and may tag you in a post instructing you to get into contact with us.






This group is overseen by Telephone ( Ino/Deanna Biesemeyer ) and created with her permission, however she is not a moderator for the community. That is what the admins are for! We encourage you to speak with anyone from our admin team first if you would like to get in contact with Telephone for any reason, thank you!



To learn more about the species lore, anatomy, traits, and abilities, understand specific guidelines for creating characters, selling art, get to know your admins, and so much more, it is highly recommended for you to review the full information found on our official website:

Affiliate Groups, all opened with approval:


-Official European Dutch Angel Dragon Community
Mods: Remix ( Laura Den Boer )

-¡Grupo Dutch angel dragon en español!
[Spanish Dutch Angel Dragon Group]
Mods: Summer Wine ( Isidora Schneider ) & Admin Team

-FREE Dutch Angel Dragon Art
Mods: Admin Team

-Dutch Angel Dragon Birds
Mods: Squawk/Dew ( Nicole Bedner )

-Awareness DutchADs 
Mods: Admin Team


Dutch Angel Dragons are an open and regulated species developed by and copyrighted to Deanna Biesemeyer (Ino). Within this website, we may use the shortened term “Angel Dragons” and this will always be referring to the specific species made by Ino.


We do not, in any way, lay claim to all angelic-like dragons and do not inhibit the use of the term “angel dragon” by anyone. Fair warning: It has been observed that using this description for other concepts may lead to confusion and/or conflict within circles who know of Ino’s species. Use at your own risk.

For help on this subject, please read the full disclaimer here.



© 2009-2018 Deanna Biesemeyer

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